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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2012, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (02) : 125 -139. doi: 10.3877/cma. j. issn.1674-0807.2012.02.002


黄欣1, 徐雅莉1, 彭理1, 周易冬1, 茅枫1, 关竞红1, 林燕1, 孙强1,()   
  1. 1.100730 北京,中国医学科学院北京协和医院乳腺外科
  • 收稿日期:2010-09-29 出版日期:2012-04-01
  • 通信作者: 孙强

Searching for serum protein biomarkers of breast cancer patients using MALDI-TOF-MS and magnetic beads technology

Xin HUANG1, Ya-li XU1, Li PENG1, Yi-dong ZHOU1, Feng MAO1, Jing-hong GUAN1, Yan LIN1, Qiang SUN1,()   

  1. 1.Breast Surgery Department, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730,China
  • Received:2010-09-29 Published:2012-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Qiang SUN

黄欣, 徐雅莉, 彭理, 周易冬, 茅枫, 关竞红, 林燕, 孙强. 利用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱联合磁珠技术寻找乳腺癌血清蛋白标志物[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2012, 06(02): 125-139.

Xin HUANG, Ya-li XU, Li PENG, Yi-dong ZHOU, Feng MAO, Jing-hong GUAN, Yan LIN, Qiang SUN. Searching for serum protein biomarkers of breast cancer patients using MALDI-TOF-MS and magnetic beads technology[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2012, 06(02): 125-139.




实验分为两大组:(1)决策树模型组共293 例标本, 包括3 个亚组,分别为乳腺癌组110 例标本、乳腺良性疾病组113 例和健康组70 例,建立决策树(乳腺癌诊断)模型;(2)盲法验证组共34 例标本, 包括3 个亚组分别为乳腺癌组7 例标本、乳腺良性疾病组13 例及健康组14 例,进行盲筛验证决策树模型。 采用弱阳离子磁珠捕获乳腺癌患者血清中的蛋白,使用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)仪检测绘制蛋白峰。 应用Biomarker Wizard TM 3.1 软件和Biomarker Patterns TM 5.0 软件分析数据。 统计分析采用方差分析法和秩和检验法。计算决策树模型诊断的准确率以及盲法验证模型诊断乳腺癌的敏感性和特异性。


在决策树模型组中检测到了47 个差异有统计学意义的蛋白峰(P<0.050)。 应用BPS 5.0 软件,以相对损失最小的原则从这47 个蛋白峰中选取了4 个蛋白峰,分别为相对分子质量(Mr,本文中相当于质荷比m/z) 9292.5、Mr 11707.2、Mr 15504.5 和Mr 16107.9,用其建立决策树模型(乳腺癌诊断模型)。 该模型判断乳腺癌、乳腺良性疾病及健康人的准确率分别为99.09%、95.58%、92.86%。 盲法验证该模型诊断乳腺癌的敏感性为71.43%,特异性为88.89%。


应用MALDI-TOF-MS 联合磁珠技术可以检测乳腺癌血清中差异蛋白峰并可以建立决策树(乳腺癌诊断)模型。 选择的4 个差异蛋白蜂建立的决策树模型诊断乳腺癌具有好的准确性和较好的敏感性及特异性。 决策树模型能将乳腺癌与乳腺良性疾病及健康人相鉴别。 寻找到的Mr 9292.54、Mr 11707.2、Mr 15504.5以及Mr16107.9 的蛋白峰有望成为鉴别乳腺癌与乳腺良性疾病和健康人的有效的肿瘤血清蛋白标记物。


To explore the different expressions of proteins in serum among patients with breast cancer, benign mammary disease and healthy people and find out potential serum biomarkers differentiating breast cancer from benign mammary disease and healthy people.


This study included two experiment groups, the decision tree model group with three subgroups including 110 cases of breast cancer,113 cases of benign mammary disease and 70 healthy controls to build breast cancer diagnosis model, and the blind test group with three subgroups including 7 cases of breast cancer,13 cases of benign mammary disease and 14 healthy controls to test the sensitivity and specificity of the decision tree model. The serum proteins were captured using the weak cation magnetic beads, and differently expressed proteins were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Biomarker Wizard TM Software 3.1 and Biomarker Patterns TM Software (BPS) 5.0 were used to analyze the data. Variance analysis or rank sum test was applied for statistical analysis. The accuracy rate of the decision tree model and the sensitivity and specificity of the model tested by blind test were calculated.


A total of 47 statistically different protein peaks (P<0.05)were tested in the decision tree model group. Based on the principle of least relative loss, four protein peaks with the relative molecular mass (Mr, equal to m/z) of 9292.54,11707.2,15504.5 and 16107.9 were selected from the 47 protein peaks, and they used to construct the decision tree model for diagnosis of breast cancer using BPS 5.0. The accuracy rate of the decision tree identifying breast cancer, benign mammary disease and healthy people was 99.09%,95.58% and 92.86%,respectively. The blind test showed that the sensitivity and specificity of the decision tree diagnosing breast cancer was 71.43% and 88.89%,respectively.


Using the technique of MALDI-TOF MS combined with magnetic beads, different serum protein peaks in breast cancer can be detected. The decision tree model constructed with the four potential biomarkers has good accuracy and better sensitivity and specificity of diagnosing breast cancer. The decision tree model can identify breast cancer from not only benign breast disease but also healthy person. The four protein peaks of Mr 9292.54, Mr 11707.2, Mr 15504.5 and Mr 16107.9 selected are promising serum protein biomarkers for breast cancer.

图1 乳腺癌诊断模型(决策树模型) Node:结点;Terminal:终结点; Mr: 相对分子质量;CA:乳腺癌;DC:乳腺良性疾病;HC:健康对照此决策树共有4 个判断节点,每个判断节点系统会提出一个判断问题,答案为“是”将分配到节点左侧,答案为“否”则分配到右侧。 第1 个节点判断问题是“Mr 9292.5 蛋白峰强度≤25.3835 ?”, 第2 个节点问题是“ Mr 11707.2 蛋白峰强度≤1.57385 ?”,第3 个节点问题是“Mr 15504.5 蛋白峰强度≤0.378529 ?”,第4 个节点问题是“Mr 16107.9 蛋白峰强度≤22.4336 ?”。该决策树还有5 个终结点,终结点3、4、5 为乳腺癌,终节点1 为乳腺良性疾病,终节点2 为健康对照。 以乳腺癌为例,当满足Mr 9292.5>25.3835 或Mr 9292.5<25.3835 且Mr 11707.2>1.57385 且Mr 15504.5>0.378529 或Mr 9292.5<25.3835 且Mr 11707_2>1.57385 且Mr 15504.5<0.378529 且Mr 16107.9>22.4336 时则判断为乳腺癌。 以此类推。
图2 相对分子质量(Mr)9292.5 的差异蛋白峰在各组中的蛋白质波峰质谱图及模拟胶图 a:蛋白质波峰质谱图;b:模拟胶图;CA:乳腺癌;DC:乳腺良性疾病;HC:健康对照;Mr 9292.5 的蛋白峰在CA 组与DC 组及健康对照组中的表达有明显差异,在CA 组中高表达。
图3 相对分子质量(Mr)11707.2 的差异蛋白峰在各组中的蛋白质波峰质谱图及模拟胶图 a:蛋白质波峰质谱图;b:模拟胶图;CA:乳腺癌;DC:乳腺良性疾病;HC:健康对照;Mr11707.2 蛋白峰在CA 组与DC 组及健康对照组中的表达有明显差异,在CA 组中高表达。
图4 相对分子质量(Mr)15504.5 及Mr 16107.9 差异蛋白峰在各组中的蛋白质波峰质谱图及模拟胶图 a:蛋白质波峰质谱图;b:模拟胶图;CA:乳腺癌;DC:乳腺良性疾病;HC:健康对照
表1 经计算机筛选及差异有统计学意义的建立决策树模型的4 个蛋白峰
表2 决策树模型的准确性及盲法验证该模型诊断乳腺癌的敏感性及特异性(例数)
图5 167 号血清标本的蛋白质谱 1:为洗脱磁珠后含有蛋白的原液;167-(1):为磁珠与血清孵育后的上清液;167-(2):为有蛋白结合的磁珠的NaAC 清洗液,洗脱一次;167-(3):为有蛋白结合的磁珠的NaAC清洗液,洗脱两次。
图6 相对分子质量(Mr)15504.5 差异蛋白峰在各组中的蛋白质波峰质谱图 CA:乳腺癌;DC:乳腺良性疾病;HC:健康对照。 Mr15504.5 的蛋白峰强度在乳腺癌、乳腺良性疾病和健康对照中依次降低。
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